Publisert 2023

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Foods , vol. 13 , p. 1–17–16 , 2023

Utgiver : MDPI

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 2304-8158
Elektronisk : 2304-8158

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Chan, Sherry Stephanie; Moen, Birgitte; Løvdal, Trond Karsten; Roth, Bjørn; Nilsson, Astrid; Pettersen, Marit Kvalvåg; Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore

Sak : 1



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Kjetil Aune


This study investigated the effect of sub-chilling whole gutted salmon and sub-chilled storage at −1 °C in modified-atmosphere packaging in two recyclable mono-material trays (CPET, HDPE). Quality parameters were measured, including water-holding properties, salt content, color, texture, lipid oxidation, and sensory and microbiological shelf life. The oxygen transmission rate was measured for the packages. Compared to traditional fish storage on ice, sub-chilling gave a 0.4% weight gain, better water-holding capacity, and higher salt content. The sub-chilled fish gave a significantly better sensory quality and microbiological shelf life of up to 49 days. Photobacterium was the dominating bacteria during storage. Salmon packaged in CPET trays had a higher drip loss than HDPE trays, but a lower rate of lipid oxidation (1-penten-3-ol). Our results showed the feasibility of significantly extending shelf life with sub-chilling, removing the need for ice. Moreover, using recyclable trays for packaging contributes to a circular economy without compromising food quality.


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