Fant 6458 publikasjoner.
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Norsk Fiskeoppdrett, 1999 Fagartikkel
Product quality in Atlantic salmon in relation to production strategy
?, 1999 Fagartikkel
Svinnårsaker ved produksjon av wienerpølser - eit kvalitetsforbetringsprosjekt
Næringsmiddelindustrien, 1999 Fagartikkel
Quantification of connective tissue (hydroxyproline) in ground beef by autofluorescence spectroscopy
Journal of Food Science, 1999 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nutrient digestibility in Atlantic salmon and broiler chickens related to viscosity and non-starch polysaccharide content in different soyabean products
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 1999 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Instrumental and sensory analysis of fresh Norwegian and imported apples
Food Quality and Preference, 1999 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Detection and quantification of Salmonella strains in pure cultures using 5'-nuclease-PCR
?, 1999 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Intermediates and products formed during fatty acid alpha-oxidation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
Lipids, 1999 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chlorophylls, carotenoids and flavonoids: Vegetable constituents with a positive role in cancer, cardiovascular and viral diseases
1998 Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
High-fat diets improve the performance of growing-finishing pigs
Er "mør biff" arvelig bestemt?/Is meat tenderness in beef inheritable?
1999 Rapport
Omtale: Mør biff kan være arvelig bestemt
Bondebladet, 1999 Fagartikkel
Resultater fra bakenettverk for kartlegging av melkvalitet til ulike produkter
Characterization, Production, and Purification of Leucocin H, a Two-Peptide Bacteriocin from Leuconostoc MF215B
Current Microbiology, 1999 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Peroxisome proliferator activated receptors in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Induction of PPAR transcription and fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity in hepatocytes by peroxisome proliferators and fatty acids
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1997 Vitenskapelig artikkel
On-line NIR analysis of fat, water and protein in industrial scale ground meat batches
Meat Science, 1999 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Characterization of novel adsorbents for radiostrontium reduction in food
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 1999 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Product quality in Atlantic salmon - Influence of dietary fat level, feed ration and starvation before slaughter
1998 Doktorgradsavhandling
A new, completely defined medium for meat lactobacilli
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 1998 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Determination of endpoint temperatures in previously heat treated beef using reflectance spectroscopy
Meat Science, 1998 Vitenskapelig artikkel
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