How Families’ Use of Digital Technology Can Be a Tool for Reducing Loneliness and Improving Food Intake among Older Adults
Tidsskrift : Journal of Ageing and Longevity , vol. 3 , p. 46–58 , 2023
Internasjonale standardnummer
Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sak : 1
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Kjetil Aune
The purpose of this study was to explore how a technical solution implemented among older adults and connected with an app supervised by an app administrator can reduce loneliness, prevent malnutrition, and inspire social eating and networking. In October 2020, a survey was distributed to 3500 administrators of the one-button computer communication tool Komp. Komp consists of a screen placed with older adults and an app used by the administrator of the tool. The survey addresses aspects that can provide new insights into how older adults can use digital solutions as a link to family and external networks. The study results show that due to COVID-19, 65% of respondents said they used Komp more frequently than before, but only 5% of current use was associated with eating meals together. However, 54% of the app administrators indicated that this could be a good future activity. Furthermore, 88% thought Komp could contribute to more socializing through shared meals. This study elicited almost 1650 constructive comments on experience, use, and recommendations. The study results show that digital solutions can be a link between older adults and their families and external network. Such tools can address needs connected to loneliness, social isolation, and food intake.