Publisert 2022

Les på engelsk


Utgiver : Horizon Europe Innovation Action

Publikasjonstype : Rapport

Bidragsytere : Bruce, Frederick; Arvaniti, Efthalia; Bak, Urd Grandorf; Gregersen, Katrin; Gregersen, Olavur; Boéchat, Céline; Olsen, Petter; Heide, Morten; Johansen, Ove; Laksá, Unn

Antall sider : 14


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Kjetil Aune


Multiple native European seaweed species are subject to growing interest from European policymakers, researchers, industry, and consumers alike as climate-smart alternatives to terrestrial crops and fossil-based industrial feedstocks. In Europe, commercialisation of macroalgae remains in its infancy: most producers are small-scale, with biomass applied predominantly in niche or low-volume product. The potential range of mainstream industrial applications of macroalgae is far-reaching, from bio-stimulants and feed additives to meat replacers, nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and biomedical devices. Remaining bottlenecks to upscaling the industry include the development of robust, high yield seed material; high-volume pre-processing and biorefinery; product development; as well as industry-, regulatory- and consumer acceptance. The SeaMark (“Seaweed-based market applications”) project will identify, develop, and exploit concrete solutions to all of the above bottlenecks, thereby accelerating the


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