Publisert 2022

Les på engelsk


Utgiver : Nofima AS

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 978-82-8296-733-4

Publikasjonstype : Nofimas rapportserie

Bidragsytere : Iversen, Audun; Nyrud, Thomas; Robertsen, Roy; Erraia, Jonas

Serier : Nofima rapportserie 31/2022

År : 2022


Økonomi og lønnsomhet


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Kjetil Aune


The value creation from fisheries, and the induced effects from its activities, are important for many coastal communities. In 2021, 1.7 million tonnes of fish were exported from the catch-based part of the seafood industry, at a value of NOK 35 billion. The employment effects from the activity in fishing in 2021 were around 18 800 people. Of these, 10 700 worked directly in fisheries, while 8 100 worked with suppliers. Activity in fishing in Norway provides significant value creation, with NOK 21.4 billion from fisheries in 2021. Of this value creation 13.8 billion NOK was created directly by the fishing fleet, while 7.6 billion NOK are ripple effects from suppliers.


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