Publisert 2019

Les på engelsk


Utgiver : Nofima AS

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 978-82-8296-579-8

Publikasjonstype : Nofimas rapportserie

Bidragsytere : Hersoug, Bjørn; Armstrong, Claire W.; Brattland, Camilla; Eythórsson, Einar; Holmgaard, Sanne Bech; Johnsen, Jahn Petter; Kvalvik, Ingrid; Mikkelsen, Eirik; Paudel, Keshav Prasad; Solås, Ann-Magnhild; Sundsvold, Bente; Sørdahl, Patrick Berg; Thuestad, Alma Elizabeth

Serier : Nofima rapportserie 2/2019

År : 2019


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Kjetil Aune


This report is a result of the Coreplan project, which has addressed whether and how an ecosystem services approach to coastal governance can improve the coastal zone planning in Norway. In this report, we describe the existing coastal zone planning system, and discuss how possible changes in coastal uses may impact future planning needs. We give an account of the background for the ecosystem services concept and give examples of how an ecosystem services approach might remedy weaknesses or deficiencies in the existing planning practices. Finally, we discuss dilemmas and challenges related to introducing such an approach into Norwegian coastal planning.


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