Fant 65 publikasjoner.
Sustainable seafood: advances in traceability, assessment, monitoring and resource management
African Journal of Marine Science, 2024 Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ringvirkningsanalyse av villfiskindustrien i Norge
2024 Nofimas rapportserie
Kartlegging av konsekvenser ved bortfall av MSC-sertifikat – Faglig sluttrapport
Kongekrabbe og omsetningskrav – Ulike modeller for fordeling i den kvoteregulerte fangsten
Exploring land use conflicts arising from economic activities and their impacts on local communities in the European Arctic
Journal of Land Use Science, 2024 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vurdering av samlet påvirkning og bidrag fra enkeltsektorer. Praksis og utfordringer i forvaltningen av kystvannmiljø
Industry-specific impacts of global drivers in the European Arctic
Geopolitical tensions framing different industries in the European Arctic: aquaculture, forestry, mining, and tourism in question
Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating: Enabling a food transition in the Nordic countries
2024 Rapport
A bioeconomic perspective on the Barents Sea snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio, Majidae) fishery
2023 Doktorgradsavhandling
Ferskfiskordningen – En ny evaluering
Legal Regulation of Whole Genome Sequencing of Listeria monocytogenes in the Food Industry: Challenges, Attitudes, Possibilities
Good practice for policy development for low-trophic level aquaculture. Deliverable D8.5
2023 Rapport
Understanding Different Types of Conflicts and Coexistence in Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)
Faktorer som påvirker utvalg av økologiske produkter i norsk dagligvare
2023 Nofimas rapportserie
The structure of Norwegian seafood trade
Marine Policy, 2023 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Seafood production in Northern Norway: Analyzing variation and co-development in aquaculture and coastal fisheries
Evaluering av auksjonsplikten for fryst torsk og sei. Delrapport 1
The Implementation of Emerging Clean Technologies and Circular Value Chains: Challenges from Three Cases of By-Product Valorization
2022 Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Global economic drivers in the development of different industrial hubs in the European Arctic
2022 Rapport
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