Publisert 2024

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Scientific Reports , vol. 14 , p. 1–18–0 , 2024

Utgiver : Nature Portfolio

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 2045-2322
Elektronisk : 2045-2322

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Siciliani, Daphne; Hubin, Aliaksandr; Ruyter, Bente; Chikwati, Elvis Mashingaidze; Thunes, Vebjørn Gunnarson; Valen, Elin Christine; Hansen, Anne Kristine Grostøl; Hanssen, H.; Kortner, Trond M.; Krogdahl, Åshild

Sak : 1


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Kjetil Aune


Choline is recognized as an essential nutrient for Atlantic salmon at all developmental stages. However, its dietary requirement is not well defined. Choline plays a critical role in lipid transport, and the clearest deficiency sign is intestinal steatosis. The present work, aiming to find whether lipid source and fish size may affect steatosis symptoms, was one of a series of studies conducted to identify which production-related conditions may influence choline requirement. Six choline-deficient diets were formulated varying in ratios of rapeseed oil to fish oil and fed to Atlantic salmon of 1.5 and 4.5 kg. After eight weeks, somatic characteristics were observed, and the severity of intestinal steatosis was assessed by histological, biochemical, and molecular analyses. Fatty acid composition in pyloric intestine, mesenteric tissue, and liver samples was also quantified. The increasing rapeseed oil level increased lipid digestibility markedly, enhancing lipid supply to the fish. Moreover, small fish consume


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