Publisert 2002

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , vol. 82 , p. 644–654 , 2002

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 0022-5142
Elektronisk : 1097-0010

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Rungruangsak-Torrissen, Krisna; Rustad, Anne; Sunde, Jan; Eiane, Siv Anette; Jensen, Harald B; Opstvedt, Johannes; Nygård, Einar; Samuelsen, Tor Andreas; Mundheim, Harald; Luzzana, Umberto; Venturini, Giorgio

Sak : 6

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Kjetil Aune


Biochemical structure of protein (reactive SH content, content ratio of SH/S-S and concentration Of D-Asp as % of total (D + L) -Asp) indicating digestibility of dietary protein was changed under different processing conditions. Based on fish crude enzyme extract, in vitro digestibility of different fish materials processed under different conditions correlated positively with reactive SH content and content ratio of SH/S-S and negatively with D-Asp concentration. In vitro digestion of different experimental feeds, based on Atlantic salmon crude enzyme extracts, was studied in association with growth trials in order to investigate its value as a criterion for industrial strategy in predicting feed quality. Crude enzymes were extracted from the pyloric cacca before feeding. Significant differences in in vitro digestibility between the experimental feeds were observed whereby there would be differences in feed conversion efficiency within 3 months of feeding. There were associations between the in vitro digestibility and other parameters for dietary quality, such as mink digestibility and the biochemical structure parameters of the dietary protein due to different processing conditions. Crude enzyme extracts from rainbow trout and European seabass were also used for in vitro digestibility study of different experimental feeds by standardising trypsin activity to that of Atlantic salmon crude enzyme extract. The results indicated that different fish species have different digestion ability to the same feed types, and the effective time for feed utilisation and growth is dependent on fish sensitivity and the extent of difference in digestibility between the feeds consumed as observed in the Atlantic salmon trials. For the species investigated, sensitivity ranking of the enzymes to feed quality tinder the condition studied was Atlantic salmon > rainbow trout > European seabass. The results indicated that in vitro digestibility study of experimental feeds using pyloric caecal crude enzyme extract from a specific species at an age of interest could be a practical, quick and reliable method for testing feed quality in growth trials. By standardising the crude enzyme extract with regards to trypsin activity, the in vitro digestibility values could be comparable not only within the same species but also between different species
