Publisert 2004

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Fish and Shellfish Immunology , vol. 16 , p. 173–184 , 2004

Utgiver : Elsevier

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 1050-4648
Elektronisk : 1095-9947

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Johansen, Audny; Collet, Bertrand; Sandaker, Elin Kristianne; Secombes, Christopher; Jørgensen, Jorunn

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Kjetil Aune


We here describe an assay for the detection of interferon-like activity in Atlantic salmon based on the transient transfection of chinook salmon embryo cells (CHSE-214 cells) with a rainbow trout Mx1 promoter linked to a luciferase reporter. A beta-galactosidase gene under the control of a constitutively expressed beta-actin promoter was used as a transfection standard. and luciferase and beta gal expression were measured by a commercially available kit. Interferon containing supernatants from poly I:C- or CpG-stimulated leucocytes added to transfected CHSE-cells induced high luciferase expression (>60-fold induction compared to supernatants from non-stimulated cells). There was no response to supernatants from LPS- and ConA/PMA-stimulated leucocytes, demonstrating the specificity for type I interferon-like activity. Duplicate samples analysed using a cell protection assay for detection of antiviral activity correlated well with levels obtained by the Mx1 promoter reporter gene assay (R-2=0.97), confirming the reporter assay as a reliable substitute for the standard antiviral assay. The Mx reporter gene assay also has advantages in terms of sensitivity, high dynamic range and reliability over the conventional cell protection assay. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.