Publisert 2023

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : European Journal of Nutrition , vol. 62 , p. 3227–3240–0 , 2023

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 1436-6207
Elektronisk : 1436-6215

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : O'Keeffe, Maria; Oterhals, Åge; Weishaupt, Hrafn; Leh, Sabine; Ulvik, Arve; Ueland, Per Magne; Halstensen, Alfred; Marti, Hans Peter; Gudbrandsen, Oddrun Anita

Sak : 8


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Kjetil Aune


Purpose The obese black and tan, brachyuric (BTBR) ob/ob mouse spontaneously develops features comparable to human diabetic nephropathy. The primary aim of the present study was to investigate if a diet containing fsh proteins would attenuate or delay the development of glomerular hypertrophy (glomerulomegaly), mesangial sclerosis and albuminuria in obese BTBR ob/ob mice. Methods Obese BTBR.CgLepob/WiscJ male mice were fed diets containing 25% of protein from Atlantic cod backbones and 75% of protein from casein (Cod-BB group), or casein as the sole protein source (control group). Kidneys were analysed morphologically, and markers for renal dysfunction were analysed biochemically in urine and serum. Results The Cod-BB diet attenuated the development of mesangial sclerosis (P 0.040) without afecting the development of glomerular hypertrophy and albuminuria. The urine concentration of cystatin C (relative to creatinine) was lower in mice fed the Cod-BB diet (P 0.0044). Conclusion A diet containing cod backbone protein powder attenuated the development of mesangial sclerosis and tubular dysfunction in obese BTBR ob/ob mice, but did not prevent the development of glomerular hypertrophy and albuminuria in these mice.


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