Publisert 2022

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy , vol. 2023 , p. 239–248 , 2022

Utgiver : John Wiley & Sons

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 1081-3004
Elektronisk : 1936-2706

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Bell, Ashley Rebecca; Tennfjord, Merete Kolberg; Tokovska, Miroslava; Eg, Ragnhild

Sak : 66

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Kjetil Aune


Social media platforms rely on algorithms to filter and select content, thereby personalizing every individual's social media experience. Many use social media without awareness of this personalization and its impact, pointing to a need to both understand and improve literacy among active social media users. This qualitative study addresses adolescents' social media literacy through an investigation of their experiences with personalization on social media, aiming for a nuanced perspective of their outcomes. A thematic analysis of eight focus group interviews with 47 students aged 15–19 years uncovered two main themes: (1) diverse levels of adolescents' awareness and familiarity with personalization and (2) positive, negative, and mixed emotions toward personalization. Theme one uncovered that although the adolescents were largely unfamiliar with the terminology, when prompted, most of them could provide examples of personalization, whereas theme two revealed that adolescents appreciated relevant content and yet were uneasy about certain features.
