Publisert 2005

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Journal of Food Science , vol. 70 , p. 563–574 , 2005

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 0022-1147
Elektronisk : 1750-3841

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Olafsdottir, Gudrun; Chanie, Eric; Westad, Frank Ove; Jónsdóttir, Rosa; Thalmann, Claudia R.; Bazzo, Sandrine; Labreche, Said; Marcq, Pauline; Lundby, Frank; Haugen, John-Erik

Sak : 9

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Kjetil Aune


Quality changes of cold smoked salmon from 4 different smokehouses in Europe were monitored by a prototype gas-sensor array system, the FishNose. Samples were stored in different packaging (vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Packaging [MAP]) for up to 4 wk under controlled storage conditions at 5°C and 10°C. Quality criteria based on sensory attributes (sweet/sour, off, and rancid odor), and total viable counts and lactic acid bacteria counts were established and used for classification of samples based on the responses of the FishNose. The responses of the gas-sensors correlated well with sensory analysis of spoilage odor and microbial counts suggesting that they can detect volatile microbially produced compounds causing spoilage odors in cold-smoked salmon during storage. The system is therefore ideal for fast quality control related to freshness evaluation of smoked salmon products. Partial least squares (PLS) regression models based on samples from single producer showed better performance than a global model based on products from different producers to classify samples of different quality.
