Production of sterile Atlantic cod: A way to satisfy industrial and environmental criteria?
Sider : 38–40–87
År : 2012
Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
En del av : Cultivating Diversity and Success - Proceedings of Contributed Papers - AAC Special Publication No 20 ( Aquaculture Ass of Canada , 2012 )
År : 2012
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Kjetil Aune
The production of sterile triploid fish may be a viable option to tackle the problems of precocious sexual maturation and the genetic impact of farmed fish escapees in cod farming. This could meet both industrial and environmental criteria. In this work, the effects of triploidy on growth, body traits, muscle fibre distribution, and fillet quality characteristics are described. Three-year-old triploid cod had approximately 18% fewer pyloric caeca and a 23% shorter gut than their diploid siblings. Also, triploidy resulted in improved post-harvest production traits, such as higher protein content and reduced fillet gaping. Overall, there appear to be advantages associated with adopting farming technologies that involve the induction of triploidy in Atlantic cod.