Publisert 2010

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , vol. 58 , p. 12230–12237–8 , 2010

Utgiver : American Chemical Society (ACS)

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 0021-8561
Elektronisk : 1520-5118

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Sampels, Sabine; Åsli, Magnus; Vogt, Kjell gjermund; Mørkøre, Turid

Sak : 23

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Kjetil Aune


Marinating herring fillets in a 50 g/L powder of elderberry, cranberry, or black currant inhibited the oxidation of lipids and proteins and also the degradation of tocopherol. Cranberry and black currant appeared to be more efficient than elderberry in inhibiting the degradation of tocopherol and the formation of ammonium. Elderberry marinades provided the most significant color changes. The injection of fillets with a 5% salt solution resulted in significantly increased levels of carbonyls, ammonium, and biogenic amines, whereas formation of the volatile lipid compounds propanal, hexanal, 2-penten-1-ol, and 1-penten-3-ol was lowest in fillets marinated in black currant following injection of the salt solution. All marinade treatments resulted in a significantly decreased liquid holding ability, coinciding with a lower muscle pH. It is concluded that marinating herring fillets in solutions containing berry powder can enhance the quality and shelf life of the fillets and simultaneously provide the fillets with natural antioxidants beneficial for consumers.