Publisert 2000

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Økonomisk fiskeriforskning: Ledelse, marked, økonomi , vol. 10 , p. 105–114 , 2000

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 0803-6799
Elektronisk : 1891-0998

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Nilssen, Frode; Monfort, Marie C

Sak : 2

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Kjetil Aune


In this paper some perspectives on the future market for farmed salmon in France is discussed. The discussion draw on a survey conducted during 1999/2000, and the findings suggest that there still are substantial un-explored markets that can be developed. The main new market segment is the so-called "social catering" market.