Publisert 2002

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Food Quality and Preference , vol. 13 , p. 257–266 , 2002

Utgiver : Elsevier

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 0950-3293
Elektronisk : 1873-6343

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Bryhni, Eli Arnkværn; Byrne, Derek V.; Rødbotten, Marit; Claudi-Magnussen, C.; Agerhem, H.; Johansson, M.; Lea, Per; Martens, Magni

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Kjetil Aune


This study focused on how the consumer perceived the eating quality of pork. Detailed questionnaires were distributed to pork consumers (n=526) in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Multivariate statistical techniques were applied to investigate differences among the consumers. The consumers ranked flavour as the most important attribute. The most important reason for buying pork was its suitability for many dishes, and the least important reason was for serving pork at social occasions. The major differences among consumers occurred between countries and to a lesser extent within age and genders. Swedish consumers reported a higher consumption frequency and were more satisfied with pork quality (i.e. tenderness and juiciness) compared with Norwegian consumers (more aware of rancidity) and Danish consumers (more aware of tasteless flavour). Consumption frequency was related to texture and off-flavour. Consumers aged 16–35 were less likely to eat pork than those older than 35 years.