Publisert 2003

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Journal of Food Science , vol. 68 , p. 1743–1748 , 2003

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 0022-1147
Elektronisk : 1750-3841

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Birkeland, Sveinung; Skåra, Torstein; Bjerkeng, Bjørn; Rørå, Anna Maria Bencze

Sak : 5

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Kjetil Aune


Product yield and fillet gaping severity were determined in cold-smoked Atlantic salmon fillets subjected to injection-salting. Effects of process parameter settings (brine injection pressure, number of repeated injections, needle speed, injection of brine in 1 or 2 directions, and chilled fillet resting before smoking) were tested. Repeated injections increased the yield up to 5.3% (wt/wt). Increasing injection pressure significantly increased the severity of fillet gaping in smoked fillets by 18%. Brine injection directions or needle speed did not affect smoking yield. The stability of the injection system was high. The results show that choice of process parameter settings during injection-salting affects product yield after smoking.
