Characterisation of microorganisms isolated from dairy industry after cleaning and fogging disinfection with alkyl amine and peracetic acid
Tidsskrift : Journal of Applied Microbiology , vol. 98 , p. 96–105 , 2004
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Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel
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Kjetil Aune
Aims: To characterise microorganisms isolated from Norwegian dairy production plants after cleaning and fogging disinfection with alkyl amine/peracetic acid and to indicate reasons for survival. Methods and Results: Microbial samples were collected from five dairy plants after cleaning and fogging disinfection. Isolates from two of these production plants, which used fogging with alkylamino acetate (plant A), and peracetic acid (plant B), were chosen for further characterisation. The sequence of the 16S ribosomal DNA, fatty acid analysis and biochemical characteristics were used to identify isolates. Three isolates identified as Rhodococcus erythropolis, Methylobacterium rhodesianum and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa were isolated from plant A and one Sphingomonas sp. and two Methylobacterium extorquens from plant B. Different patterns of resistance to seven disinfectants in a bactericidal suspension test and variable degree of attachment to stainless steel were found. The strains with higher disinfectant resistance showed lower degree of attachment than susceptible strains. Conclusions: The study identifies and characterises microorganisms present after cleaning and fogging disinfection. Both surface attachment and resistance were shown as possible reasons for the presence of the isolates after cleaning and disinfection. Significance and Impact of the Study: These results contribute to the awareness of disinfectant resistance as well as attachment as mechanisms of survival in dairy industry. It also strengthens the argument of frequent alternation of disinfectants in food processing industry to avoid the establishment of resistant house strains.