A multistage testing strategy for detection of quantitative trait loci affecting disease resistance in Atlantic salmon
Tidsskrift : Genetics , vol. 167 , p. 851–858 , 2004
Internasjonale standardnummer
Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sak : 2
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Kjetil Aune
A multistage testing strategy, to detect QTL for resistance to infections salmon anemia (ISA) in Atlantic salmon is proposed. First, genotyping of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) and a transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) were carried out using dead offspring from a disease resistance challenge test. Second, AFLP genotyping among survivors followed by a Mendelian segregation test was performed. Third, within-family survival analyses using all offspring were developed and applied to significant TDT markers with Mendelian inheritance. Maximum-likelihood methodology was developed for TDT with dominant markers to exploit linkage disequilibrium within families. The strategy was tested with two full-sib families of Atlantic salmon sired by the same male and consisting of 79 offspring in total. All dead offspring from the two families were typed for 64 primer combinations, resulting in 340 scored markers. There were 26 significant results out Of 401 TDTs using (lead offspring. In the second stage, only 17 marker families showed Mendelian segregation and were tested in survival analysis. A permutation test was performed for all survival analyses to compute experimentwise P-values. Two markets, aaccac356 and agccta150, were significant at P < 0.05 when accounting for nuiltiple testing in the survival analyses. The proposed strategy might be more powerful than current mapping strategies because it. reduces the number of tests to be performed in the last testing stage.