Publisert 2008

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Journal of Food Science , vol. 73 , p. 378–382 , 2008

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 0022-1147
Elektronisk : 1750-3841

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Akse, Leif; Birkeland, Sveinung; Tobiassen, Torbjørn I; Joensen, Sjurdur; Larsen, Rune

Sak : 8

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Kjetil Aune


Processing of fish is generally conducted postrigor, but prerigor processing is associated with some potential advantages. The aim of this study was to study how 5 processing regimes of cold-smoked cod and salmon conducted at different stages of rigor influenced yield, fillet shrinkage, and gaping. Farmed cod and salmon was filleted, salted by brine injection of 25% NaCl, and smoked for 2 h at different stages of rigor. Filleting and salting prerigor resulted in increased fillet shrinkage and less increase inweight during brine injection,which in turn was correlated to the salt content of the fillet. These effects were more pronounced in cod fillets when compared to salmon. Early processing reduced fillet gaping and fillets were evaluated as having a firmer texture. In a follow-up trial with cod, shrinkage and weight gain during injection was studied as an effect of processing time postmortem. No changes in weight gain were observed for fillets salted the first 24 h postmortem; however, by delaying the processing 12 h postmortem, the high and rapid shrinking of cod fillets during brine injection was halved.
