Publisert 2009

Les på engelsk


Tidsskrift : Molecular Nutrition & Food Research , vol. 53 , p. 780–789 , 2009

Internasjonale standardnummer :
Trykt : 1613-4125
Elektronisk : 1613-4133

Publikasjonstype : Vitenskapelig artikkel

Bidragsytere : Westereng, Bjørge; Coenen, Gerd Jan; Michaelsen, Terje Einar; Samuelsen, Anne Berit; Voragen, Alphons G.J.; Schols, Henk; Knutsen, Svein Halvor

Sak : 6

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Kjetil Aune


A mixture of single side chains from white cabbage pectin were obtained by anion exchange chromatography after applying mild chemical conditions promoting beta-elimination. These pectin fragments were characterized by their molecular weight distribution, sugar composition, C-13-NMR, and MALDI-TOF-MS analysis. These analyses revealed that the large oligosaccharides released by beta-eliminative treatment were composed of alpha-1,5 linked arabinosyl residues with 2- and 3-linked alpha-arabinosyl side chains, and, or beta-1,4 linked galactosyl side chains. Fractions. were tested for complement-fixing activity in order to determine their interaction with the complement system. These results strongly indicated that there was a minimal unit size responsible for the complement-fixing activity. Neutral pectin fragments (similar to 8 kDa) obtained from beta-elimination were inactive in the complement system, although they contained a sugar composition previously shown to be highly active. Larger pectin fragments (similar to 17 kDa) retained some activity, but much lower than polymers containing rhamnogalacturonan type 1 (RGI) structures isolated from the same source. This implied that structural elements containing multiple side chains is necessary for efficient complement-fixing activity.
