National Responsible Fisheries Schemes: An Option for the Norwegian Fishing Industry? A Case Study of “Iceland Responsible Fisheries”
Utgiver : Nofima AS
Internasjonale standardnummer
Publikasjonstype : Nofimas rapportserie
Serier : Nofima rapportserie 34/2012
År : 2012
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Kjetil Aune
After five years with MSC it is time for recertification of some of the Norwegian fisheries. In light of the developments in Iceland and Alaska it might be worth reconsidering the alternatives for sustainability certification of the Norwegian fisheries. A key question related to the introduction of a national scheme is what, if anything, might be gained from establishing a national option as an alternative or addition to the current supranational certification schemes that already exist? The IRF is well received both nationally and internationally. Benefits of the programme are operational costs, national control and a better possibility to differentiate based on origin. Criticisms are that they are too small, have little competitive strength and move too slowly, and some Icelandic actors have at present found it inadequate and have chosen to also have an MSC certification. IRF face some important issues that might decide whether they will succeed or fail in the long term perspective. Expanding their acceptance to additional markets and getting more species certified shortly are of the utmost importance, unless they risk undermine their own fisheries and programme.