Fant 6479 publikasjoner.
Intention to consume seafood - the importance of habit
Appetite, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
(Over)optimisme og utvikling av nye næringer
Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse, 2004 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Perception of cheese: A comparison of quality scoring, descriptive analysis and consumer responses
Journal of Food Quality, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Split-plot design for mixture experiments with process variables: A comparison of design strategies
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simultaneous modelling of process variables and raw material properties as measured by NIR. A case study from cellulose production
Perception of Bread: Comparison of Consumers and Trained Assessors
Journal of Food Science, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Influence of storage time and color of light on photooxidation in cheese. A study based on sensory analysis and fluorescence spectroscopy
International Dairy Journal, 2006 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Konsekvenser av globalisering i lys av et nyinstitusjonelt perspektiv - Like eller unike organisasjoner?
Økonomisk fiskeriforskning: Ledelse, marked, økonomi, 1998 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brining of cod fillets: effects of phosphate, salt, glucose, ascorbate and starch on yield, sensory quality and consumers liking
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Molecular characterization of a PDZ–LIM protein in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): a fish ortholog of the α-actinin-associated LIM-protein (ALP)
Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility, 2004 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Genetic causes of variation in beef tenderness- preliminary results
?, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Elektrisk stimulering av kjøtt - garantert mørt?
?, 2005 Fagartikkel
Evaluation of non-starch polysaccharides and oligosaccharide content of different soybean varieties (Glycine max) by near-infrared spectroscopy and proteomics
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cigarette smoking may reduce plasma leptin concentration via catecholamines
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Produktutvikling i fiskebutikker gjennom interaksjon med forbrukere
Økonomisk fiskeriforskning: Ledelse, marked, økonomi, 2005 Fagartikkel
Raman and near-infrared spectroscopy for quantification of fat composition in a complex food model system
Applied Spectroscopy, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fluorescene emission measurements on sausage batter-on factors affecting the spectra
Meat Science, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
Quality constraints of sausages : on their construction and how consumer acceptability limits are identified
Microstructure of heat processed whey protein food emulsions and growth of shear-induced cracks during cooling
The effect of heat and cold exposure on HSP70 expression and development of deformities during embryogenesis of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Aquaculture, 2005 Vitenskapelig artikkel
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