Published 2019

Read in Norwegian

Publication details

Publisher : Nofima AS

International Standard Numbers :
Printed : 978-82-8296-598-9

Publication type : Nofima’s reports

Contributors : Dreyer, Bent Magne; Isaksen, John Roald

Series : Nofima rapportserie 19/2019

Year : 2019

If you have questions about the publication, you may contact Nofima’s Chief Librarian.

Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian


This report is a product of a request from Sjømat Norge on an evaluation of the effects from withdrawing the arrangement for reimbursement of the mineral oil tax in the fishing fleet. The purpose is to analyse the effect increased fuel prices in the fishing fleet will mean for the land-based seafood processing industry in Norway. The report treats the main forces behind the fuel consumption in the fishing fleet, and the consequences of increased fuel prices for the landing patterns of fish. Then the effects of an altered landing pattern of fish for the fish processing industry is discussed.
